Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Can FaceBook generation really save the world?

We have to agree that social networking sites have become a big hit, i think i have account on all these sites like orkut, facebook, hi5 and many more which i don't even remember but i m not active in any of the... rather i have not gone to any of the social networking sites in over a year...

But me abandoning the social networking sites doesn't mean that the world is abandoning them and they are going to die a miserable death. Rather if i say people around 5 years younger than me are much more heavily addicted to it, then i won't be wrong... I feel that my generation is the last generation who is enjoying and nature loving and outgoing... by outgoing i don't mean going to some friend's home, rather it means interacting with the real world... the world that is surrounding us. The World which is DYING unfortunately...

Surely i can't say that my generation have done anything constructive for this world or is trying improve this world but atleast they r interacting with the whole world... they r not just playing with the electrons all the time they are playing with all the elements and compounds..

Now these days we have news about the events on the social networking site, and groups forming on social networking site, but unfortunately we don't realise that we have not got robots as advance to replace us in making this world better and neither they r easily accessible, so if we r starting a green planet group on the facebook is it really going to make a difference? there are groups with millions of joinees but has they produced any difference or any result. unfortunately i haven't found one yet... The world is still burning more and more people are still getting injustice and we feel that making groups on the facebook is all we need to do.
Seems like our intelligence is really decreasing..

I think this is going to be the first of the many episode on this topic... All input will be welcome.

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