Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Is believing on 3 bigger gods is worse than 8 smaller gods.?

I don't know why people think that everybody slower than me is stupid and everybody faster than me is crazy...

They say that it is very bad that Arabs let Palestinian get killed but they forget that in Pakistan we kill our own people in north and south... we didn't say anything when thousands of muslims were killed in Gujraat.?

secondly the important thing for us is to find the solution from the Quran and Sunnah instead of running our mind in all directions... So at the times when Prophet (SAW) asked muslim to prepare for fight against the romans, did he accused those who didn't participate..? i think he ignored them on the basis of ayats from Allah...

Similarly at the time of Battle of Uhud... around 300 munafiqs started the journey to fight the mushreeqeen and then they turned around... so did Prophet(SAW) accused them of the heavy losses islam has to suffer in the battle.. i don't think so.

So the question remain the same are arabs are the reason for our failure... zina, gambling and many other vices were present at the time of the Prophet(SAW) but this didn't distract him from his righteous path...

at the time of first hijrat from muslim and in the palace of the Najashi the servant of islam Hazrat Jaafar Tayyar while defending islam and Prophet (SAW) said that the Prohpet (SAW) was "raised among us and he implement all the things on himself first before ordering us to do them"...

that is my message have we implemented islam fully in our life.? do we think we will never sell islam for money even if it means facing hunger and living with fewer necesities of life..? do we think we will change ourself before we ask others to change? do we accept our faults before we blame others for our fault?

It is not a can of worms i have opened. it is a can of faults i have opened.. instead of opening others can of faults why not we open our can of fault and look into it and accept them all and try to fix as many as we can.

May Allah bless us all and keep us all on the righteous path..

ps. i hope now u understand the title of the topic... and i hope now you understand my point of view better... i m not defending them but i m trying to put a light on the different angle..
and please don't try to give a claim that if they ARABS don't spend that money in gambling than it will solve OUR problems... the only solution is to follow the righteous path with or without money... and then only Allah will help us to overcome our enemies..

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