Friday, October 17, 2008

Muslims should buy PS3 only...

They are delaying one of the biggest game of this generation..

LittleBigPlanet - SCEE’s official statement…
17 Oct

SCEE has supplied us with the official statement on the situation regarding LittleBigPlanet…

During the review process prior to the release of LittleBigPlanet, it has been brought to our attention that one of the background music tracks licensed from a record label for use in the game contains two expressions that can be found in the Qur’an. We have taken immediate action to rectify this and we sincerely apologise for any offence that this may have caused.

We will confirm the new launch date shortly.

We’ll keep you updated with further information as soon as we get it.


We’ve just been informed by SCEE that the delay to release is effective worldwide.

A very good move on the part of Sony

Three Speech: Semi-Official PlayStation Blog LittleBigPlanet - SCEE’s official statement…

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pakistan needs genuine Talibanisation 2.0 for its survival

I wander why we have been duped so much by the western media that we have lost the sense of our betterment altogether... and we don't even remember recent past and our own experience..

First question is that do we have first hand experience with Taliban? or we are basing our beliefs on the reports of our enemies? Let me give an example from the recent past.. Taliban captured Ms Ridley and she converted to Islam within a yr or so.. and american captured innumerable innocent people, has any of them converted.? and i think everyone knows and even the americans and britishers reports are there in which THEY themselves said that more than 33% of the prisoners are innocent.

Secondly can we certainly say that all the bomb blast that have taken place, killing innocent people involved talibans? and no american, israeli, indian, british or any other secret service agency was not inovlved in it... ? Its not tough to create a fictitous taliban sister agency and send the memo to newspaper that we were involved in the bomb blast... Let me put it this way, i am a computer scientist and if some body provides me a reasonable amount of money i can mail newspapers in Pakistan that: I xxxxx was involved in bombing the Mall road Lahore... it won't take much effort and time... and just imagine the technology these world power's secret agencies have.... if you can really freely think. and unfortunately the bomber himself is dead and can't help us to point out the person who trained or ordered him to do this criminal act... and if the Pakistani newspaper reports are to be believed than the one alive terrorist captured from the Ammuniation depot attach was not the member of taliban.. never heard of them either..

Thirdly we have to acknowledge that Taliban showed three things: they showed that law and order can be provided without much effort only if you as a ruler put urself under it also. (i think everyone must have seen independent World bank and other agencies reports that during Taliban rule law and order wise it was in top 10 countries.)
They showed that opium cultivation can be stopped even if you have fear of poverty only thing you need is honesty and justice at all levels of the government (Everyone acknowledge it)
and They proved that average common man can contact the govt. official anytime, anywhere... The lesson for us is that if we honestly look the amount of money, resources, skilled labours we have and the living fears we have currently in Pakistan than we are much worse than them.

I am really sorry and sad to see that miniscule learned portion of the population we have, doesn't use its brain and can't really see things and understand the big picture, we are copying even our thinking to what our worldly masters are asking us.. Taliban rule came after centuries and centuries of drought in Muslim ummah, they did FEW THINGS right and MANY THINGS wrong but basically they showed that the path is still applicable and world can be a better place only if we are ready to sacrifice and move on that path step by step...

I know one thing that while they were in power pakistan was a lot safe place... Taliban leader Mullah Umer never gave any threat to Pakistan, never showed any intention of bombing Pakistan and never caused any trouble for us while they were in rule and even when we as their brothers back stab them and now when they are gone its only bombs, insecurity, depression and downhill for us... They were the sign of peace, security and prosperity for us more far more than they were for their own land and people... its like somebody ask a person to kill his brother then he will defend him in the future... but after the person has killed his brother that guarantor goes after the throat of that person... we have done more than that with ourself.... and now we don't even know how many hands are trying to block our windpipe...

Taliban 2.0 is exactly what we need: a society which shows no leniency on transgessors no matter how high that person is in worldly term, a society which respects and pays to rightful no matter how lowly he is, and which upheld the flag of justice at all time, and which is ready to fight evil no matter how big it is..

In the end i will just like to say may ppl to change either because after all; even the Prophets were not able to eliminate evil in their times, these Prophets always had more enemies and road blockers then they had followers... so how can i expect to see it these right hands of Shatans to vanish now... it will be foolish of me to think so.. but if you just think that those few which stood by the right are still remembered as the pinacle of humanity and brightest shinning star for our guidance... they were very few honestly but those who associated themselves with them are the ONLY successful.